Category Archive: Baby preparation

Pampering yourself during pregnancy

Comforting yourself during pregnancy

Being pregnant is supposed to be one of the most enjoyable times of your life. The promise of a new life, the hopes of what his or her future will bring, the excitement over which parent your baby will look like and what their personality will be like. Every part of it is exciting. But that doesn’t mean that the pregnancy itself isn’t difficult.

You know that it is hard to be pregnant. Between the weight gain, morning sickness, backaches, cravings, and hormones it is no wonder that you sometimes find yourself feeling less than your best. That’s why it is so important for you to pamper and spoil yourself right now. Whether you realize it or not, your body is under a lot of stress about creating this new life. When you take the time to take care of yourself, you are relieving some of those emotional stressors and fears that naturally come with pregnancy.
So how do you make yourself feel like a princess when you have so many expenses coming your way?

Pamper yourself during pregnancyFor starters, you should give yourself a long, nice, warm bath every night. Don’t make it too hot of course, but you do want it to be warm enough that it is relaxing for you. This is much easier if you have a partner who is there to help you in and out of the tub.

Another easy way to relax is to take an hour to yourself every night. This can be spent reading, listening to music, or just taking a nap. What is important is that it is time that is just yours. If you have other kids at home, have your husband take them for an hour every night so that you can have some you time. You will be amazed at what a little private time can do for you and how refreshed you will be when your hour is up.

Before you go to sleep every night, have your husband take some lotion and give you a nice foot rub. Your feet take a lot of abuse during the day and happy feet are essential to a happy life. After all, there are pressure points in your feet that affect everything from your head to your sexual organs. It’s no wonder a good foot massage can make your whole body feel relaxed.

But as far as feeling good, nothing beats the power of aromatherapy. Find a good scent that you like (the calming power of lavender for instance) and keep it with you at all times. Certain scents trigger our minds in different ways and allow us to feel a variety of different emotions. Once you find an aromatherapy scent that relaxes you it is also a good idea to pack it in your hospital bag so you can have that calming scent with you in delivery.

Remember, pregnancy is hard, but it doesn’t have to be. Use these simple tips to pamper yourself and ease all of your pregnancy discomforts.

Getting ready to have a baby

Having a baby

Baby deliveryThere is nothing in life like getting ready to have a baby, it literally turns your entire world upside down. Your home is changing, your relationship with your spouse is changing, your pets are acting strange, and your body is going through changes that no doctor could ever really prepare you for. You know that at the end of it, all of these changes will be well worth it because you will be bringing a new life into this world, one that is filled with new hopes dreams and possibilities. You understand that at some point all of the madness of getting ready to have a baby will settle down, but you also know that your life will never really be the same again.

First, getting ready to have a baby means getting ready for big changes in your marriage. A baby will make your marriage stronger than you ever thought possible. For many couples, they feel that a baby makes their family ‘official’. And if this is your first child, you will be amazed at how much love you have for this new little life, and how much deeper your love for your spouse will grow. However, a newborn also means that both you and your husband will have to work much harder to make the time that you have alone together count. Taking care of a new baby can bring you to a point of exhaustion that you never thought was possible. Your lack of sleep can make it much harder for you and your spouse to feel connected at a time when you both need each other more than ever. To keep your connection strong, try spending a lot of quality time together during the last few weeks of pregnancy and have a plan to start going on a date once a week after the baby is a month or so old.

Secondly, getting ready to have a baby means that your work and career will undergo some changes. You should be planning for your return to work long before your due date. A daycare center will typically fill up very quickly and it is likely that you will be put on a waiting list so that a spot can be held for your newborn. So you want to think about which daycare center you want to use, how close it is to your work, and if you will need to change your work schedule in order to accommodate the daycare center’s hours.

And of course, getting ready for a baby means big changes in your house. Not only is there an entire nursery that you are decorating, but you also have a lot of new furniture to put together before your little one arrives. Once the gifts start to come in, it is very easy to get overwhelmed by the number of baby items that are coming into your home. A good rule of thumb is to set aside a space in certain areas of the house for your baby’s things. For instance, have a spot your kitchen where you can wash and store your baby bottles so that they will be ready for you when you return from the hospital. Likewise, have a space in your laundry room where you will be able to put any new baby clothes that haven’t been washed yet. This way you can easily wash them and put them away when you are doing the rest of your laundry.

Getting ready to have a baby is an amazing time in your life, but if you aren’t prepared for all of the big changes that are happening you may find yourself feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Taking the time now to prepare for these changes will save you any undue stress later.

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